Celebs Get Sign on Walk of Fame
Bronx Week Parade, Music, and Food Festival Ends Bronx Week
By Robert Press
BRONX, NEW YORK, MAY 18- Sunday’s Bronx Week Parade, Music, and Food Festival was the perfect ending to the 10 days of Bronx Week.
The weather was perfect, and hundreds and hundreds of people marched along Mosholu Parkway in the Bronx
Week Parade. After the parade they joined hundreds of others who were enjoying the food and informational tables that were set up along the other side of Mosholu Parkway. The topper to all this was the Music Festival that could be heard blocks away that rocked the streets.
It appears the city spruced up the island between both sides of Mosholu Parkway with up to 50 newly planted trees, and the day before the parade much gardening was done to the grass. The only thing left to do was to repave the roadway, but maybe that will happen before next year’s Bronx Week Parade across Mosholu Parkway.
The FDNY opened the parade, with Bronx Walk of Fame Honorees. The daughter of the late businessman and philanthropist, Alfredo Thiebaud, Actor and activist Malik Yoba; and NBA Legend and Hall of Famer Dolph Schayes arrived next to be escorted to the reviewing stand where parade co-hosts Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr., and Dr. Bob Lee. Actress, author and television commentator Stacey Dash missed the parade as she had to catch a flight right after the induction ceremony.

As the marchers marched across Mosholu Parkway it was school after school, organization after organization, and company after company. The parade was so long that after people marched they joined in the viewing area (or just lined the parade route) until the Bronx Week Parade was over, several hours after it began.
I for one can not wait for Bronx Week 2016, and to enjoy “The Bast the Bronx Has to Offer”. However we Bronxites get to enjoy the Bronx each and every day.
#Stacey Dash #BronxWeek #Bronxnews