BRONX, NEW YORK, JUNE 26- Officials throughout the Bronx hailed the Supreme Court’s decision making gay marriage the law of the land.
The court’s 5-4 decision allows gay and lesbian couples the right to marry in any of the 50 states.
“Today is a historic day in the United States,” said Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. “The Supreme Court has made history and affirmed a basic human right today by allowing men and women to legally marry throughout this nation, regardless of their sexual orientation.
“After two decades of litigation, the Supreme Court has finally expanded equal rights and marriage equality to all. I would like to thank the Supreme Court for having the courage to make this bold decision, and I congratulate this nation’s LGBT community for their efforts on this issue,” Diaz said.
“Today the Supreme Court put to rest a decades-long civil rights struggle for marriage equality,” said Rep. Joe Crowley. “In its decision the Supreme Court affirmed what a majority of Americans believe, that marriage between two loving individuals, regardless of their sex, deserves full protection under the law as afforded under the 14th Amendment. History will remember this day as a watershed moment, a day when ‘we the people’ took another major step toward justice in our enormous and enduring struggle to form a more perfect union.
“So today, as we celebrate this momentous victory for our gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender brothers and sisters let us also remember those we lost along the way. Those who came before us as activists, advocates, and allies who, when faced with bigotry and violence, did not shrink, but rather stood for the belief that discrimination based on sexual orientation has absolutely no place in the laws and policies of our country. We stand on the shoulders of those giants today, and proudly proclaim love is love.”
“America will never forget this day, and neither will people all across the world who know the meaning of love and compassion,” said Mayor Bill deBlasio “June 26, 2015, will forever be memorialized as a pivotal moment in the history of our nation – the day the Supreme Court affirmed our core values of love, equality, and justice, rejected ignorance and malice, and appealed to the humanity in us all. Our country will finally afford millions of Americans the rights they have always deserved, but until now were unable to exercise. Today, this country is richer – filled with

more equality, more acceptance, and more love than yesterday. And for the people of this city, where the movement for LGBT rights began in 1969 at the Stonewall Inn, we can be proud that we helped blaze the trail to this great victory.”
Congressman Charles B. Rangel, who represents the 13th Congressional District of New York that includes Upper Manhattan and parts of the Bronx, released the following statement on the Unite States Supreme decision on same-sex marriage:
"Indeed, all love is equal. I applaud the Supreme Court ruling on the same-sex marriage case and reaffirming that the union of the LGBT community should be treated equally. This decision marks another milestone toward American progress as the court reaffirms equal protections guaranteed to all Americans under the 14th Amendment. Today, a long overdue justice and equality have been served.
“Far too many couples have been denied protections by their governments, rights to legally commit to one another, and basic responsibilities as spouse and parents. The Court's ruling today makes it loud and clear that same-sex marriage is less about redefining the institution of marriage, but more so to ensure fundamental rights and dignity that gays and lesbians across the country deserve.
“As our nation celebrates Pride Month, this ruling could not come at a more appropriate time. I am proud that New York State is a leader in marriage equality and I look forward to other states across the nation recognizing this important right for all people. Let us continue on our path towards progress and let nothing stand in the way of ensuring equality for all,” Rangel said.
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